For the last two days i have been procrastinating, well i give myself the excuse of trying to find' inspiration' to sit my rump down and list thirty dresses by Friday, however every time I've attempted to sit down at my computer and focus on Etsy i get distracted! Its everything and anything that distracts me, mainly my trip next week to Burning Man and all the fun things i want to wear while dancing the night away! Its just been so much fun preparing for my trip next week that i sort of accidently put Etsy on the back burner, while i instead play dress up at all hours of the day and night. Last night i stayed up till the wee hours of the morning trying on every vaudeville burlesque circus piece i have and if that wasn't enough i spent a good portion of today prancing around in my ballet point slippers while wearing a 1920s teddy pretending to be anything as cool as these images, which i have been so incredibly inspired by and the feelings they provoke for my costume inspiration for Burning Man. Although i wont actually be wearing anything as stunning at these images but a girl can dream, right?

However, i will be wearing my vintage ballet slippers and more 1920s lingerie teddies and slips than one could imagine for the week! So far i have packed everything i own in the shade of pastel pink, cream and anything with antique lace! Burning Man is the perfect place to get away with wearing nothing but vintage lingerie with a antique gentleman's top hat while dancing with a vintage umbrella in one hand and a drink in the other! If you have not been and are obsessed with costumes, art, the circus, and live performance, i highly reccomend you put Burning Man on your bucket list as a must do!
Lovely lovely ballerinas